Scientific group

Our group studies phenomena that occur at extremely high frequencies in the terahertz (THz) range from 300 GHz to 30 THz. This spectral range is being actively developed due to the relatively recent progress in creating THz sources and detectors.

The relevance of using this radiation to study various structures lies in the coincidence with numerous fundamental resonances and relaxation processes in the condensed state of matter. In addition, this radiation is non-ionizing, which allows it to be used for various scanning devices. Terahertz radiation allows for faster transmission of large amounts of data, which is why it is associated with the prospects for the development of 6G technologies.

Our current research can be divided into two topics: (i) Spectroscopy of nanomaterials, (ii) Nanomaterials for terahertz optics.

Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Plasmonics, MIPT
Employee of the Center for Photonics and 2D Materials
Employee of the Center for Photonics and 2D Materials